State of ambient music

Guided Breathwork

Sound Healing

Energy Therapy

Gently shift your energetic field leaving you feeling truly relaxed

uplifted and renewed


Sound Healing & Energy Therapy

In every SoulNar session, we work on clearing your energetic and emotional fields with a combination of guided chakra breathwork, sound healing + hands on energy healing.

This helps to shift past traumas that have been held in the bodies energetic memory field. If left untreated, these can manifest as emotional imbalances, dis-ease or even pain. Working with the chakras, SoulNar helps to gently shift you energetically - leaving you feeling truly relaxed, uplifted and renewed.

Sound Healing Instruments

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The high-grade quartz crystals in crystal singing bowls are able to amplify, store, focus, transfer and most importantly transmute energy. These gemstone, metal and mineral-infused crystal singing bowls have a profound impact on our bodies, as they are crystalline in structure and share an affinity with our human DNA.


528hz is also known as The Miracle Tone or the Frequency of Love. The 528 tone activates your imagination, intention and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose, its effects are well known in the medical world.

528hz brings transformation and an increased amount of love energy, clarity of mind, awareness, activated creativity, and inner peace.


Tingsha bells are used for toning benefits. Toning is a traditional therapeutic technique used to relieve mental stress and achieve healing. They offer immediate therapeutic relief. The ringing of Tingsha bells can relieve stress, depression and grief. The calming sound promotes the flow of positive energies into the brain, relaxing it and putting it at ease.

Pricing & Location


A 1 Hour SoulNar Session is $150 AUD


South Eastern Melbourne + Mobile


Daniel is a Certified SoulNar Practitioner and Wellness Coach.

Daniel’s Soul Purpose is to share love and understanding for energy, music and healing by bringing a nurturing and masculine energy into the practice. Encouraging more males and females to enhance their mind, body, spirit and overall energy field.

Evolving from deep self exploration, Daniel opened the doors in 2019 by sharing handpan music in a meditative space. He quickly found the power of frequencies, tones, vibrations and what the combination can do to us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

He began to delve into the importance of energy, intention, music, sacred spaces, rituals and exploration of beneficial healing instruments.

Opportunities of trials and lessons crafted his sound baths as unique and intuitive. Played to create transcendent music for guiding individuals and groups into a state of meditation, relaxation and self healing.

Weaving the frequencies of tones and vibrations using a combination of instruments, ambient soundscapes and sound healing tools.

From that point, SOA Music was created: State Of Ambient Music.


If you are being called to help heal others. Get in touch and find out more about how SoulNar can transform your life. To find out our next available training dates please visit our training page to apply for a place in our next Practitioner Certification Training.

Contact Details


+(61) 0400999968



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